Thursday, January 13, 2011


Critically analyzing yourself is the first step to really knowing who you are. The biggest problem that came up for me thinking of my flaws is that I honestly can't think of many. Reading another post, it looks like this is a common occurring.

Maybe that is my biggest flaw. I'm unable to see what is wrong with myself. For example, when someone asks me what I dislike about my writing I can't come up with an answer. I know there are problems, because there have to be. No amount of drafting can make a work perfect. If I'm asked what I dislike about myself, I still can't come up with anything. When I wake up I can have bad breath and my hair doesn't obey, but are those fair flaws?

In the French film Amélie, a failed writer says "Failure teaches us that life is but a draft, a long rehearsal for a show that will never play." Recognizing what's wrong with other people is important too, but learning from your own mistakes is the most important.

To learn from my first mistake of being unable to think of any flaws about myself, I'm going to find them out for myself. In everyday conversation, how people react, how I can improve what I'm already doing, are all ways to start.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm a bit jealous. I often can't help but notice my flaws. Maybe it's because I've had plenty of people to point them out for me in my life, but it must be nice not to be too conscientious of your shortcomings. Probably just coming out and saying something like that will make you more aware of things to think about and improve upon though.
